Saturday, December 4, 2010

Will a real nurse please stand up?

So...does everybody become jaded?

Does everyone start to hate being a nurse. Start to hate their patients? The Doctors? Everything??? Even the people that have only been doing this a couple years!

Yes some patients suck, the drunks who piss on your shoes. The Schizophrenic that attempts to tackle you in their break for freedom, the patients that only want morphine or dilaudid - and the just plain stupid/ignorant people. Yes, you will see ALL of these people in a shift, but they are still people?

And yes, the ER seems to be the worst place for all this. But still people, this...this is bad.

Why did you become a nurse if all you want to do is bitch, moan and Sit on your fat lazy arse?!?!? Again, yes there are days that suck so sure a little complaining, fine - before you even get on the floor? Absofreakenlootly Not!

Yes I'm new, Yes I'm naive, Yes I still try to see the good in people - but you know what? I love my job, all the parts of it! I love the kids that scream, I love the old people that tell me what to do, I love every aspect of my job. And I have too!

I got into this profession after thinking long and hard and realizing that I didn't want to be a doctor, I wanted to be a nurse. I wanted to really care for people. Even if just for a few minutes. I wanted to be that person.

All I see in coworkers, professors or bloggers is tired, burned out people. But the thing that stung the most...a Nurse saying that she didn't want to be the "Angel" that nurses are.

Nursing (with the exception of 2001) is the #1 most trusted profession in the United States. Because people believe nurse want to help others, and I'll be damned if I’m going to turn into one of those people that doesn't care.

Yes, my days suck - yes sometimes I truly want to scream and yell and curse but you know what, I can't. I have to make sure my patients are OK, and I will. The day I stop caring will be the day I have to quit.

Alright, I’m done, that rant is out of the way. I’ll try to post something happier soon – just working around some lovely stuff everyday.

And maybe…just maybe this will help:

Just a small reminder of why we do what we do:

Nurse’s Prayer

Lord, please help me to bring

Comfort where there is pain

Courage where there is fear

Hope where there is despair

Acceptance when the end is near


A gentle touch with

Tenderness, patients and love.



  1. Another nurse and I were just talking about this the other night. We had both been nurses the same amount of time (5 years) and had both done ER. We are not perfect, however we still try to keep a smile on our face, support other nurses, and bust our butts, whereas some nurses do prefer to sit on their butts and complain. Many of the more negative people were nurses of 15 years or more, however some were fairly new to the profession as well. SO, I'm not sure if nursing made them that way or if it was innate. I hope you stay the way you are :)

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